History of Affirmation Scotland

Affirmation Scotland offers to the LGBT public of Scotland to a great ministry of care, hope and advocacy to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Christians, their families and the supporters.

It also wants to contribute to the debate within the Kirk on human sexuality from a positive progressive perspective.

Affirmation in Scotland is seeking to:

  • In creating safe places and times for gay people and their friends to meet for worship, fellowship, and support.
  • Organise certain events that promote an inclusive church as most churches don’t believe in civil partnerships.
  • Provide useful resources to the Kirk and the huge LGBT community promoting the belief that God welcomes anyone into his family all people regardless of gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
  • Speak out for pride, dignity and place of gay Christians whenever this is under attack.
  • Respond appropriately to all approaches by the media for comment on issues related to the Kirk and LGBT.
  • Trying to be a huge presence reminding the Kirk in a consistent way that the LGBTcommunity has always been and is present within the Kirk.

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